Supplier Interview: Untouched Adventures

Posted by Activitar on February 29, 2024 · 7 mins read

By Victoria Oliver

How Adventure Tourism Transforms Communities

In the world of entrepreneurship, tales born from a profound connection to nature and community often resonate the deepest. Today, I had the privilege of sitting down with Marthinus Van Der Westhuizen, the owner behind Untouched Adventures.

Marthinus’s journey reminded me of a powerful concept: the choice between being a legend, where one’s journey revolves solely around oneself or leaving a legacy that lays the groundwork for others to thrive. In tourism, we find ourselves immersed in a remarkable niche market - one defined by generosity, creation, and the transformative power of leaving a place better than we found it.

I am honored to share this interview with you, in the hopes that it ignites a sense of purpose within us all. For within Marthinus’s words lies a guiding light, illuminating the path towards a future where our actions not only shape our own destinies but also pave the way for generations to come.

Conception of the Idea

Marthinus is a local that grew up in the Eastern Cape. Growing up on the coast he developed a deep love for nature and adventure, engaging in activities like spearfishing, paddling, and surfing from a young age. Exploring became a natural progression to him, eventually evolving into a passion for sharing Tsitsikamma’s beauty with others.

The Name: Untouched Adventure

A business name often serves as a reflection of identity, encapsulating the essence and values of the venture. I was curious to know how the name Untouched Adventures was formed. Marthinus explained he aims to offer others the experience of the raw beauty of the oldest marine reserve, inspiring tourists to immerse themselves in nature’s beauty, without disrupting its delicate balance. He further explained that the name was formed by the need to protect the serenity and leave the environment untouched. Opting for eco-friendly kayaks as our mode of exploration, they pledged to tread lightly on the environment, leaving no trace of our passage.

Evolving Impact

As Marthinus and his team rapidly expanded, their focus readjusted. In the beginning they fought for survival, trying to build and grow the business. Once they got through that phase the focus was on making it work to a standard of excellence juggling HR, Staff, finances and tax, Marthinus explained. After you get through those challenges, you begin to reevaluate and redirect on how to use the business as a tool to impact the community, said Marthinus.

He shared that unlike other industries that infiltrate the space and take whatever resources they want, the tourism industry aims to look after the environment and the community it operates in, to protect it because it’s where they get their bread and butter from. Business is viewed in a completely different lens and hence a responsibility comes from that. The core idea was built around making an impact on the lives of staff and building the community we are involved in, Marthinus said.

Which led to the creation of BeKindSA emerged as a vehicle for community empowerment, focusing on nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit from all ages. From broad strokes of support to targeted initiatives, Marthinus, Zibonele and his team sought to ignite dreams and foster resilience among those who dreamed for more.

Lives Touched

In the heart of the Tsitsikamma community, seeds of transformation took root. Marthinus excitedly recalled some of the journeys of some incredible individuals. Take Kasi Corner, for instance - a humble beginning transformed into a bustling restaurant built right outside their residence, where tourists gather to savor the authentic flavors of South Africa and connect with local culture. Then there’s Yolanda who first started off as a guide for Untouched Adventures who has a dream to become an entrepreneur. This dream was shared and BeKindSA rallied behind her to support her vision. Yolanda began a car wash service within the National Reserve which now breathes life into her community, providing jobs and hope for the future.

Collaborative Spirit

Marthinus’ journey and many others in the community share a commitment to positive change. Together, they redefine adventure tourism as a force for good, inviting travelers to not only explore but also leave a meaningful impact on the communities they encounter.

A Technological Leap With Activitar

When Untouched Adventures began Marthinus recalled how everything was done manually. It became a stressful game making sure no mistakes were made and managing work loads to double checking everything. Marthinus soon realized how time consuming their day to day business operations were and started doing research on different platforms to streamline the process and having all data present digitally. He recalled his first impression which was that the Activitar team had something special. From a team that is passionate about what they do and constantly breaking new ground on how online booking was done. Marthinus shared, “Pierre and the team are always looking for new ways to innovate and improve which stood out for us. That level of hunger and drive to support the industry was remarkable .This lined up with our company values. Our relationship with Activitar has been a partnership of support, collaboration and innovation that fits our unique needs. Activitar real-time data capabilities have empowered us to make informed decisions and streamline our operations, ensuring that every adventure is not just memorable but also meticulously planned.”

Sustainability at the Core

Marthinus responded, “At the heart of our endeavors lies a deep reverence for sustainability. From our eco-friendly practices to our commitment to community empowerment, every decision we make is a reflection of our dedication to preserving the environment and community we hold dear. Our journey is not just about adventure; it’s a celebration of stewardship and solidarity with the world around us.”


As we all aim to chart new waters and explore uncharted territories, let us all remember the profound impact that adventure tourism can have - not just on landscapes but on lives. Together, let us embark on a journey of discovery, preservation, and inspiration.

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